Your comments

Check if you have the latest version, they have already changed how it works, quotes now includes author. Multiline seems to work for me and even nested quotes works.

That's one way of doing it but if I'm understanding you correctly it might be confusing to others if they see an @mention but can't see who it's for. I suppose you could have it clickable to show a list but what if two people create the same one?

Maybe it could be done kinda like the post/notification stream but for all unread messages with buttons to mark one/all messages as read.

Would almost classify that as a bug, in the meantime, click the reply button then you can copy the text.

Note "Ryver Task" on the right side here.

Depending on your OS this could work in the meantime

Example: 🎂

Maybe that would be useful as well but my thought was a setting under notifications like if there is a new notification for team X execute the command "echo notification recieved > notification.log". I realize this might be a complicated feature that likely won't work on all platforms so maybe not something you are interested in implementing right now. I just wanted to but the idea out there. As I said it could be used for some simple integration with other applications, like if I get a new message in one specific team I could pass that to another application for publishing, logging or something like passing the notification to a blinking light for greater visebility.

A workaround is to simply embed any images you want to use as an emote like this:

![](image url)

You could then just save some of them in a text document for reuse or if you are feeling ambitious you could use Autohotkey hotstrings to enter them quickly.