
Open to Last Unread

UTisTheLaw 9 years ago updated by Анастасия Куб 4 months ago 8 1 duplicate

When you open a forum after being away, I would like to be able to go to my last unread chat either automatically or by clicking a button or link.

Duplicates 1
Under review

This is the only thing keeping me from switching my team to Ryver. We used a few other platforms before landing where we are now, and all of them lacked this feature. With a large team, this is absolutely needed for what I do as we need to be able to ensure that we are not overlooking messages.

Maybe it could be done kinda like the post/notification stream but for all unread messages with buttons to mark one/all messages as read.


We're close to at least showing the watermark line for last seen, even when you have been offline. We are working on scrolling to the right point as well, but might roll it out in two parts.

We now have pushed out the update with a "New Messages" watermark, so you can always see where you left off.


Please make this feature a thing! It's seriously the most irritating and presumably easily fixed thing! Any news on this, Jeff?

Can the Mobil app always open to the notifications or a set place - Annoying when you know you have a message but you have to look for it

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