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Under review

Post links without preview.

martin tran 8 years ago updated by Luke Fritz 6 years ago 5

Post links without preview. I know, I can add text before and after as workaround.


Display Name vs @name

Thomas Becker 8 years ago updated by Mahomed 7 years ago 2

When using the @name in a chat or post it would be awesome if the name that went into the chat or post was the display name instead of the actual @username. For example if my username is @jmaxwell and my display name is "John 647" (where 647 is a location number) or "John Maxwell" it would be nice to have the display name inline in the chat as everyone may not know who jmaxwell is but they may know who "John 647" is. I hope I am being clear in what I am trying to ask for. This could be categorized in Chat or Post as it is the same for both.

Under review

Direct message

michael wright 8 years ago updated by jeff 8 years ago 3

Would like direct messages to work like text messages. Notifications currently don't occur if the App isn't open on your device. If people on my team don't have the app running, or the desktop program open, notifications only happen via email

Under review

Collapsable Code if 3-back-tick Method used

jake 8 years ago updated by Trevor Vaughan 8 years ago 3

When doing code shares, these can be long snippets. Many times the comments within the main post, along with shared pics or links, are tedious to navigate. So if a collapse button were to be right next to the top line of code to collapse only the code between the back-ticks, this would be sweet! (Method Ex.:)


Some means of visually acclimating new users to Ryver

Jeff Berman 9 years ago updated by Felixvd 7 years ago 2

If it doesn't already exist, it would be nice to have a mechanism for quickly showing new Ryver users (web) how to use the system. I'm envisioning overlays that appear the first time a new user logs in to show them key features.

We have found in our group that many new users haven't discovered that the "Open Forums" link is clickable, as surprising as this sounds. As a result, their sidebar isn't populated with forums and they aren't even aware that discussions are taking place all around them.

It would be nice if overlays appeared when they first signed on (or perhaps every time they sign on until they enter a forum) encouraging them to click on the Open Forums list to enter the ones that appear interesting to them. Once they do this, perhaps another overlay could appear to point out how the forum is now in their sidebar and how it will change color when new content appears.


Preference to Disable Bouncing in Dock for Mac Desktop App

Stephanie Henyard 9 years ago updated by Mitch Mitchell 5 years ago 11

Our Mac users hate the desktop app's incessant bouncing when a notification is received. Please include preference settings for controlling how notifications expressed in the Desktop app:

  • Bouncing as an option, which can be disabled
  • Badge icon as an option, which can be disabled
  • Option for generic badge icon instead of displaying number of notifications

The work being done to integrating Notifications into OS X's Notification Center is greatly anticipated.


Remove posts from chat

Charles 9 years ago updated by jeff 8 years ago 7

Why do posts display both in the chat tab and post tab? I see no reason except to make it confusing. Keep chats under the chat tab, posts under the post tab.


Back button closes Ryver

Rafael Cintrón 9 years ago updated by Dom 7 years ago 5

In the mobile client (android), whenever I hit the back button Ryver closes. It should stay open in the background, or at least give you the option to close it or not using a dialog box. This is very counter intuitive, since most apps do not behave this way. Users of mobile apps are used to use the back button as a "previous screen" button, not as a "close inmediately" button.


Choose each Reminder's time delay individually

Stephanie Henyard 9 years ago updated by anonymous 6 years ago 3

When marking a Post or Post comment as a Reminder, it can currently only use the prescribed setting. Allow each reminder to have a different delay, with the default being set in My Settings.

This would be more useful if reminder time periods were longer - not just 15 minutes to one day, but 2 days, 5 days, a week from now.


Google Calendar Integration

Charlotte 6 years ago 0

We have been using Ryver for the past year and it's amazing a Google Calendar integration has NOT been considered. Even simple apps like Trello have this FREE FEATURE. It's near to impossible to keep on top of adding tasks in Ryver and then adding to a team Google Calendar. Is this going to be a feature that's going to be considered in the next few months? If not, Im going somewhere else.