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calendar subscription of task due dates

john 8 years ago updated by Xiaotong Yao 7 years ago 1

Would be great if I could subscribe and get my ryver tasks that have due dates to show up in my calendar program as an ical or other calendar subscription type thing.

Even better would be if those then would have a link that would pull you right to them in the app (web or desktop version).


Ryver Android and iOS App Persistent Connection

Floyd Que 8 years ago 0

It would be greate if Ryver will try to use the notification process like FB Messenger or Viber which when you receive the notification and open the App, it is already connected even in slow connections. Currently if I receive a notification and open the app, it takes a while for the message to appear on my app because it is still connecting


Android app notification not working as expected

Austin Best 8 years ago updated by jeff 7 years ago 4

Prior to the last update, when i got a notification from Ryver on my phone, i could click it and it would open the conversation window to that user. Now it doesn't. It opens Ryver and the conversation window to the last person i had open.

Under review

Batch cleaning of messages in a chat

guijarrelson 8 years ago updated by jeff 8 years ago 1

Sometimes, it is neccesary to clean the messages from a chat to focus in.

Add an option to batch delete messages could be a great feature.


Administrative Control over Guest Account Display Name

Kimeree 8 years ago updated by Jet Mojica 7 years ago 2

We would like to assign the Display Name for all Guest accounts so that it is obvious to our members that a Guest is present without needing to open the side panel. We would like this to be something the guest can not change and is only available to Admins for alteration.


Text box requires two clicks to type

Jeremiah 8 years ago updated by jeff 8 years ago 4

When the Ryver desktop client window is not in focus, I have to click the text box TWICE to be able to type text. This is unusual and frustrating because I am used to clicking once anywhere else in the window to immediately give the Ryver window focus and do the action I clicked on. The text mouse cursor shows when I hover over the text box when the window is not in focus, BUT clicking there does not bring the blinking text input, which means you can't type until you click the text box again. This is a bug and needs to be fixed.

Under review

clean and compact

mark 8 years ago updated by jeff 8 years ago 1

Slack has clean or compact layouts...one is without pictures which make the layout less cluttered even more. Should be easy to implement, to "hide user pictures in chat"..:-)

Under review

Hide some or all of the email text when repying to an email notification

Andreas 9 years ago updated by MarkB 7 years ago 3

When you reply to an email notification the entire email is added to the message when it's added to Ryver. I think that this can be improved at least is could be added as a quote or even better just add a quote with the message that caused the notification.

It could also be changed so that you can decide yourself what should be included if the hidden id is added to the subject instead then I can decide what to include in the body (if I remove everything in the body now the message will not reach Ryver). Alternatively if it can't be placed in the subject use a visible id instead so I can easily remove everything except the id.


Ability to create lists

Dan G 9 years ago updated by jeff 8 years ago 1

the idea here is that during these 1:1 discussions or posts, items may be identified, they may be tasks, or features, or deliverables, etc. It would be super useful to be able to create a new list during a conversation (through a bot tag #list New Features, etc.) and then during the conversation be able to add items to the list, again through some tag or bot. I say "lists" to keep it generic and leave it to the user community to decide what the lists will do. The lists could evolve, ie assign an item in a list to a person, add a due date, add it to a release (for a feature), etc. Endless productive possibilities. Thanks, D

Under review

Add setting in a Forum Profile to set default view of forum (posts or chat)

Nate Y 9 years ago updated by RyverMan 7 years ago 3

In the case of using a forum as a forum of posts, it would be nice to be able to set the view to posts by default instead of chat