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Under review

Sticky Posts to Chat Channels

Oli Chance 9 years ago updated by jeff 8 years ago 2

We often find ourselves forgetting/losing track of important posts because they're off in the separate 'Posts' tab rather than right there in the chat channel. As such, a feature that allowed posts (or even just a single post) to be stickied to the top of the chat window would be really useful.
It might be useful to make this an admin-only feature/add an option to only allow admins to do this.

Under review

Voice Messages

jeff 9 years ago updated by Anton 4 years ago 7

It would be great if we could record a voice message and send it as a chat message. In the app, the chat message would show that there is an audio file and allow you to click to listen to it. Kind of like a mini MP3 embed.


Bulk Delete Chat Messages, Topics, Tasks and Notifications

Ben 7 years ago updated by Patrick Chu 4 years ago 3

Sometimes, for whatever reason, we need to be able to delete more than one message, topic, task or notification.  If it's only a couple it's no big deal.  But if it's more than a few, it's very annoying and time consuming to have to do it one by one.  Would be nice to be able to delete anything in Ryver with a system similar to when you pick a few chat messages and convert them to a topic or task.

Under review

Mobile push notifications unreliable

Cliff 8 years ago updated by Marco Martinelli 6 years ago 19

For my users, we've been having significant iissues with the mobile notifications in the Ryver app. We will be away from our desk for the weekend but still not get mobile alerts. I've heard from Android devices but I'm not sure about iOS because we don't have many.

Also, I have noticed that you have to actually have the app open and running in the background for it to work if it will send notifications at all.

I have in app and regular notifications enabled, but is there ssomething I'm doing wrong? Thank you.


Ryver localization / internationalization

Ondřej Hudeček 9 years ago updated by Vance Yzbick 4 years ago 10

Hello guys, I appreciate your work, I am glad our small team based in Czechia will have a communication platform for "affordable" price ;)

I hope you had started Ryver development with future internationalization in mind and would not have problems adding more languages to your app in future. We are just fine with English, but maybe one day when you start adding languages I will gladly help you with translation to Czech :-) I believe that is a load of your mind, right? :))

I wish you all best and thank you for both being smart and brave and giving Ryver to us.


Under review

Group teams, forums or users in nav bar (like a folder structure)

JP A TOCNIC 9 years ago updated by Alejandro Castillon 8 years ago 5 1 duplicate

My suggestion is that may have sub privates teams like a sub-folders.
A big difference


Provide option to hide email address from User Profile and User lists

jeff 9 years ago updated by Computers for Schools Yukon 7 years ago 13

1. Allow users to specify whether their email address should be shown in their Profile and user lists.

2. Allow the Admin to force hiding of email address for all users


Notification keywords

neil bobkowski 7 years ago 0

Allow users to define keywords for notifications.  This would be a mirror of Slack's "My Keywords" ability within the Notifications settings.  Essentially a user can define a list of keywords (such as "emergency").  Then anytime that word is used in a Forum or Topic the users gets a notification.

Under review

Notification when someone/ other people else is/are typing in the chat.

Joseph Hause 8 years ago updated by FHTheron 7 years ago 3

Just a "Bob and Steve are typing" at the bottom of the chat to let the other people know that the person is actually responging.

Under review

Restrict access to uploaded files, now they are downloadable freely from the internet.

Dime Nastov 8 years ago updated by Stan Kardach 6 years ago 9

Hi Ryvers!

You have created the most useful communication tool we have ever tested and kudos for making it free!

We have two major concerns:

  • Can’t install it on premise.
  • Uploaded files go to Amazon cloud and are accessible by simply sharing the link even to people that are not members or guests to our Ryver organization.

Solving either of these concerns would resolve the other – if we had on-premise installation we could host our files locally, and if the uploaded files were encrypted or hosted in directories that are not publicly accessable from the internet we would not have issue with Ryver not being on-premise.

I would propose two types of solution that would not require on-premise installation:

  • A quick and dirty fix in the form of a checkbox that allows the administrator to disable all file uploads for everyone (at least untill the second solution is implemented).
  • Some sort of cookie or session authetication that would allow file download from the amazon storage only if the user is currently logged onto our Ryver. This can be further extended to special group file access but I understand that that can take some more time to develop.

You have made communicating and sharing ideas and files so easy that I am sure I would not be able to put forward policies on which files should and shouldn’t be shared in Ryver, so why limit people when we can make it secure and let them communicate freely.

I wish you all the positive energy in the universe and I hope you get the success you deserve!