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single sign on / SSO

Roy Nasser 9 years ago updated by Stephanie Henyard 7 years ago 13

Add the option of integrating with Google Apps or other providers of authentication for small businesses so we dont need to create all accounts/disable them manually, etc and to make things easier for users to not need to remember too many identities.


Fix User Desktop Statuses

Isaac de la Fuente 9 years ago updated by JonO 6 years ago 11

Currently Ryver places you in the "away" status if you are not actively using Ryver. This means that I'm often at my computer working but my team thinks I'm "away" because I'm not actively clicking on the Ryver application.

If I'm active at my computer then my status should be Available. This is how all of our other communication apps work like Skype. Since using Ryver we have no way of accurately gauging who is actually available and who is not.


Have Images Open in Ryver

Oli Chance 9 years ago updated by Charles 9 years ago 14 2 duplicates

Currently, clicking on an image shared by another user forces a jump to a browser window where the image is displayed. It would be great to have these images expand or be viewable in detail within the current Ryver tab or the Ryver app itself, as the current feels is a little clunky, especially when using the desktop app.


Custom Ryver Account display name at top of left nav bar

jeff 9 years ago updated by Charles 8 years ago 4

Would like to show a custom display name rather than the all lowercase URL subdomain Ryver account name. Would also be nice to have a custom avatar for the account.


Integrated ability to stream Tweets and Google Alerts to chat room

jeff 9 years ago updated 7 years ago 9

Would like to be able to watch particular Twitter users or keywords, as well as certain Google Alerts, by having them stream directly into a Forum or Team chat room. Would like to be able to do this as a feature native to Ryver, rather than needing to use a third-party service such as Zapier.


Notify users when new Forum is created

jeff 9 years ago updated by Stefanus “HowlinWulf” Fourie 8 years ago 4

On forum creation, provide option to notify all member users that the new forum exists. They should be able to easily click to pin the forum from the notification.

Under review

Notifications count should show Unread Quantity even if they are not new

Ben 7 years ago updated by jeff 7 years ago 1

Right now, the Notifications button on the Sidebar shows only the quantity of NEW notifications.  But once a user clicks on it and starts checking notification, that number disappears and there's no idea of how many notifications are still unread.

I think that the number of unread notifications should always be visible and be automatically reduced once a user starts actually reading each notification.

Under review

Allow multi-window interface which supports pop-outs for teams, chats, posts.

Stephanie Henyard 9 years ago updated by Ken Lenoir 7 years ago 10

Support a window pop-out feature for teams, forums, DMs, posts in the Desktop versions. For our users that are constantly going back and forth between teams, DMs, Posts they'd greatly prefer the ability to have separate windows for each area/team they're working on. The main Ryver window would remain the same, the pop-out would let users focus on that one area. Services I'm familiar with that do something similiar include Evernote, Mac Notes, and Mac Messages.

Under review

Assign Tasks to a User not through a Team or Forum

Ben 7 years ago updated by Анастасия Куб 1 month ago 3

There's another product Idea that has this idea as part of it.


However, I think this specific request merits its own Topic.

Currently, Ryver doesn't allow me to assign tasks to users directly, unless it's through a Team or Forum.  

Many times I need to assign a task to a user, but I prefer not to do it through a Team or Forum.  I might not want to add more tasks to the whole team.  Or it might be a task unrelated to any team.  Or it might be a task that I want to stay private between me and the user.

As a user, I want to have the ability to create a task and assign it to WHOMEVER I WANT.

I think this is something that Ryver can easily solve.

And, if Ryver wants to "foster collaboration" as they call it, it can let Admins decide if users must assign tasks to other users only through teams/forums or can do it directly.


Ability to sort unread notifications by oldest or most recent, as required

Ben 7 years ago 0

Right now, the default sort for notifications is most recent first.  I usually have by default only the UNREAD notifications.  But when I have too many, it takes time to scroll down to the bottom.  

I would like to have a button to quickly sort by oldest one first or by most recent first, as the situation requires.