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Under review

Import Tasks from Microsoft Outlook

Ben 7 years ago updated by Анастасия Куб 1 month ago 2

Many Millions of users use Outlook and many of those use Tasks on Outlook.  Would be nice if we could import all of those to Ryver.


Ability for Admin to Reverse Chat or Topic Message Order

Ben 7 years ago updated 7 years ago 1

Although most people in the world are used to the most recent message appearing below the last one (on the bottom), it could be more efficient to show the latest message above the last one.  Would avoid a lot of scrolling down.


Gantt Chart in Tasks

Eric Jacko 7 years ago updated by Nicolaas 6 years ago 3

Are there plans to make a gantt view for tasks? Additionaly, the main feature that i used in gantt charts was an estimated 'duration' entry as opposed to a due date. After the project was actually started, then I would populate the start and due dates (or the due date would be pre-populated due to the estimated duration)


Permissions for deleting/editing messages!!!!

Austin Best 8 years ago updated by Анастасия Куб 9 months ago 13

I have not found this option if it exists, but if it doesn't this is a MUST. In the last week we had an issue with an employee who threatened another employee, luckily the "victim" took a screenshot of the interaction because the "bully" decided to delete all the messages. THERE NEEDS TO BE A WAY TO CONTROL WHO CAN DELETE MESSAGES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Either on a user by user (preferred) or user level (Guest/Member/Admin) basis

This is such an easy feature, please dont make this take a year to implement. PLEASE.

For editing, this can also be permissions based or show a "changed" log for what was changed in the post.

Under review

Save draft

Alberto 9 years ago updated by Анастасия Куб 9 months ago 6

Safe draft of a chat or post adding a button next to "Post"


Outlook Plugin for sharing emails and discussing them

jeff 9 years ago updated by Kimeree 5 years ago 6

Would like to have an Outlook plugin that supports sharing an email to Ryver as a "Shared Email" Post, allowing my team to discuss the email in the comments section. It would work similarly to how the current Ryver Chrome Extension works with Gmail.


Reusable checklists in tasks

Andrey Verbin 7 years ago updated by Piotr 6 years ago 1

We often do tasks which has same steps. Like 

Step 1 - talk with analyst and learn requirements

Step 2 - implement feature

Step 3 - write documentation

Creating same steps over and over again in tasks is tedious and error prone. I suggest to implement 'named checklists' and quickly add predefined checklists to tasks. 


Ryver Integration with GURU

Ben 7 years ago 0

We use Guru (https://www.getguru.com) for Knowledge Management.  Slack allows us to use /Guru and ask for anything we need to know (/Guru SearchTerm).  We would like RYVER to have that capability too.


Quick and convenient way to direct message multiple people

martin 8 years ago updated 8 years ago 2

It would be great if you could hold down Control and select multiple people to start a conversation with them without creating a new private team, similar to the way you can do it on Skype.

For this, of course, you would need a more convenient list of people to choose from.

(Perhaps the Search on the top-left should be extended to include sub-categories, e.g. searching for messages or searching for people, although I would also want it to work from the list of direct chats I have at present; i.e. I would like to select people from there).


Mac Fullscreen Support

Godfrey Hendrix 8 years ago updated by anonymous 7 years ago 1

Implement fullscreen functionality on the Mac app. Right now clicking the green icon only makes app maximize to the screen (but does not enable fullscreen mode).