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Integrate Private Team and Open Forum
As in Slack there is just one conversation group, namely Channel. Ryver has 'Open Forum' and 'Private Team'. Which does incline you for a team to start a 'private team'. But then again, it is better to have as much open communication as possible.
But anyway, why not integrate OpenForum and PrivateTeam into one group. As the only difference is whether the group is open or closed. It could be called 'Forum' for example.

@mention formating does not always work
When I type @person there is normally formatting that places it in a grey block. But if I type for example (@person) this fails (any time there is a charachter infront of @) but there seems to be a notification sent anyway.

Slow opening of client after recieving a message/notification
When I receive a message on the Windows client and immediately click on Ryver on the taskbar there is a delay (several seconds) before the window actually opens.
I started noticing this recently, I don't think it always happens could be something like only the first message or only some kinds of notifications.
If anyone else has experienced the same problem feel free to add a comment to make sure this is not something only affecting me.
I'm currently using Windows 7 and desktop client Ryver 1.1.6 (Complete Cats).

Inviting new members as Admins/Owners directly
Hi I lead a team of 170 individuals. It is a real pain to invite team members first and then change their status as admins/owners later, especially since I have to invite a lot of people (nearly 30) as admins at once. And PLEASE ADD AN OWNER LEVEL.

invite personal message - save as custom
it would be nice if a custom message could be saved instead of writing it over and over.

Startup default page on mobile phones
once i open ryver mobile app, the default page is set to "all users".
Making "all notifications" the default one would be more useful.

android - links in post not working
andoid 5.0 samsung s5
external links in a post work well but not those related to a ryver post

invite teammates to a new private team at once
Invites all teammates from a private team to a new one using @team (instead of adding each manually)

@team notifications
In private team/chat, i sent a message @team but got no notification by email. And yes, i'm part of the teammates.

Private Teams - Invite guests to a post
If you invite a guest to a private team, s/he can read all posts.
To solve that issue, add below field to invite guests to a post only.
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