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chat timezone adjustment
Add functionality for Ryver to recognize a time written in chat and adjust it for users in other timezones.
"Pin to Navbar" for posts as option in ellipsis dropdown
I am making temp comments on posts to get them to appear the nav bar during the workday. I am looking for micro-term existence for them, and they are being x'ed out quickly. Sometimes, there can be 3 or 4 going at a time, and sometimes its on a post that is days old, and the notifications can pile up on one and bury the others. Both of the latter reasons makes them hard to locate in post stream and notifications. Not a problem that happens a lot at all, but productivity is the trademark of our Ryver experience. Being able to quickly switch between a custom set of posts per user would just add to the productivity, "pin to navbar" in the post's ellipsis would be an answer.
Promote comments on POST to POST?
Sometimes, comments on post become a conversation all to themselves. Might be useful if we can also promote comments from POST to POST :)
Automatically re-select text written in search after pressing enter
RYVER has a very powerful search function so search is a well-used tool. One minor enhancement that can save time is to automatically highlight text entered in the SEARCH BOX after clicking enter. This way, anyone searching for anything will just type a new term and press enter to search instead of deleting/clearing the field before typing in a new term.
Broken Image when pressing REPLY/ENTER prematurely
Right now when you upload images on Ryver windows app, you will get an "image broken" when you press reply/enter prematurely. Is there a way to continue loading the image first even after pressing reply before executing the reply/enter? This way, uploader won't have to wait for the upload to complete before replying.
Huge time saver if ever.
Enhance User Search in Manage Users
Search in Manage Users not capable of looking at all permutation of searched user name. Right now, you need to know who you're looking for. If you're not specific enough, search comes out with NOT FOUND. I believe this enhancement will be very helpful to administrators who regularly deactivate users from the organization.
Cursor Placement After Posting a Comment in a POST
After clicking reply on a POST, would it be possible to automatically move cursor to the comment box? Right now, if you want add subsequent comments, you will have to use the mouse and place it inside the comments box.
Saves time if this will be the cursor placement default.
Keyboard pops up when clicking on an image in mobile browser
Clicking on an image in Ryver through a mobile browser (IOS device) triggers the keyboard to pop out. Can be annoying when all you want to do is to do is zoom in on the image. Not sure if it's by design, but maybe we can revisit the default on this?
AVATAR images on mobile takes too long to load
Noticed slow loading time in chat caused by avatar images loading too long. Hope you can look into this.
Downloading Files in Mobile
Is there a way to download files in mobile from inside the app? Right now, when we click on files, it automatically launches the default browser and opens the file there. It's a minor inconvenience but would be great to have the option of downloading from inside the app.
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