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Make the notification in a browser tab more noticeable

Robert Zduński 7 years ago 0

But anyway, currently the way the notification shows up on a browser tab is not noticeable at all. This may be completely subjective, but when I get a new message, I for the love of me cannot see the orange icon and waste a few seconds to find the right tab. What I would like to see to improve this is either:

don't change the Ryver icon to orange and instead make a small orange circle next to it, like this: 


or show in brackets how many new messages you got, like in Gmail:

 Image 78

or both at the same time. :)


Import a list of users to a team

pweiss 7 years ago 0

We create teams often - is there a way to import a list of users into a team instead of adding them manually? Forexample, upload a text or excel sheet into the invite section of the team?


Option to sort comments (within a post) with most recent first

Michael Chilton 7 years ago 0

I wish to see the most recent COMMENT first within a post.


Desktop: Formating options

trendfriendpa 7 years ago 0

Have ability to change text size for chat and right column choices; decrease the amount of space between lines in chat as well as choices in right column; have ability to move line between choices and chat to see less of words in right column


No 'Toggle view: Active/Archive' option on Android

dave edwards 8 years ago updated by jeff 7 years ago 3

There is the ability to archive posts. We have created a forum which is like a FAQ where we create posts and then archive them to prevent tampering. When viewed via a Web browser by default they do not show (which in itself is annoying and once made visible by the user should always be visible), you may however make them visible by using the menu option 'Toggle view: Active/Archive'. However when using Android App there is NO menu option to enable the user to do this. I haven't checked the other app? Can this be fixed as a matter of urgency as users cannot see this content.


Working offline

Shay D. 8 years ago 0

As RYVER wish to place existing communication platforms, the #1 features we believe is crucial and is missing from RYVER at the moment, is working offline.

From the features you've made and the way they were implemented, I'm guessing you are using an online emails platform such as Gmail. This might be the case for certain users, however, many of us are using platforms like Microsoft Outlook.

Although it is not as popular as it is in Outlook, but Gmail also allows offline work.

We all travel a lot and find ourselves occasionally in disconnected areas. It can be up in the air, or simply in a foreign country with no data plan or local internet connectivity for certain hours.
Normally it's for considerably short periods, never the less, still time you would like to dedicate to work.

Here is a list of items we can all do offline using existing platforms, but not using RYVER:
(listed by priority)
1. Reading emails and content you didn't get the chance to get to.
2. Reviewing and working on attachments sent to us.
3. Writing emails and sending them (they will be sent automatically once connection resumes)
4. Review and work on tasks
5. Managing emails/files/folders - move/copy/delete/archive
6. Writing emails and saving them to Drafts for later usage.

We found that certain personnel in the company, mostly higher management, sales, and field engineers which frequently complain about this, and are using it as a reason for why they can't switch from an email platform to working on RYVER and using it for crucial stuff.


Mark chats which are promoted to a post

Samk 8 years ago 0

I like the ability to promote chats into a post. However, there is no way to tell from the Chat page that a particular message has been promoted into a post. I have a few ideas for how this might be done, but none are completely satisfactory. I'll mention 2 of them here:

1. For promoted messages which are sequential, add a visual like what Twitter uses for threaded messages (they are connected with a gray vertical line). Then, at the end/bottom, include an ellipsis button or some other icon which links to the corresponding Post. Pros: visual clarity and intuitiveness (in my opinion). Cons: Not clear how this would work when non-sequential chat messages are promoted, or when a message is promoted into more than one chat.

2. Include an option in the ellipsis menu (or an icon on the mouseover menu with Reply and Create Post) for chat messages called "View posts based on this message" or something similar. Pros and cons are switched from my first suggestion. In particular, I would still like to see a visual indication that a chat message was promoted.


Collapse replies

OAguirre 8 years ago 0

I don't know if this has been already posted, but I see no way to collapse all the reply into one single line, the original, so all replies, after I no longer need them or already read them all, does not occupy so much chat space.


Create a separate list of or a tab with, replies/threads

OAguirre 8 years ago 0

When replying a conversation, or thread, is created. It would be great to be able to access them, the thread outside the forum, so one can follow each of them in different positions within the UI, in different panes or sections.


Need more themes

dok 8 years ago 0