Mark chats which are promoted to a post
I like the ability to promote chats into a post. However, there is no way to tell from the Chat page that a particular message has been promoted into a post. I have a few ideas for how this might be done, but none are completely satisfactory. I'll mention 2 of them here:
1. For promoted messages which are sequential, add a visual like what Twitter uses for threaded messages (they are connected with a gray vertical line). Then, at the end/bottom, include an ellipsis button or some other icon which links to the corresponding Post. Pros: visual clarity and intuitiveness (in my opinion). Cons: Not clear how this would work when non-sequential chat messages are promoted, or when a message is promoted into more than one chat.
2. Include an option in the ellipsis menu (or an icon on the mouseover menu with Reply and Create Post) for chat messages called "View posts based on this message" or something similar. Pros and cons are switched from my first suggestion. In particular, I would still like to see a visual indication that a chat message was promoted.
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