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Under review

Notice of user typing is now gone

Austin Best 8 years ago updated by jeff 8 years ago 5

Prior to the last update, when the user you had open was typing a message, you would see a little moving icon next to their name AND you would see some "ghost" text in the window that said something like {USER} is typing a message...

Well now the icon is there however that message that shows someone is typing is removed. Is there a reason for this? Accident (I HOPE!)?


IP address visibility

Doodle 8 years ago updated by Анастасия Куб 5 months ago 2

Please make IP addresses visible to admins. We are a group of strangers with a common goal. The only way we can prevent people from making multiple accounts is if admins are able to see their IP addresses since - new email addresses can easily made using webmail.


Cant view failed webhooks

Austin Best 8 years ago updated by jeff 7 years ago 7

It shows an information bubble with the number of failed hooks, however what is the point if as a developer i cant see WHY they are failing??

This is rather critical since there is very little to no documentation of this new feature.


Webhooks not displaying

Austin Best 8 years ago updated by Mimi 8 years ago 6

Added a webhook,

"All Webhooks" shows You have created 0 out of 10 allowed

"Active Webhooks" shows You have created 1 out of 10 allowed

Under review

Task bar icon?

Rayzback 8 years ago updated by Анастасия Куб 5 months ago 2

When Ryver windows application is NOT minimized an icon should appear on the task bar. I can't seem to drag and drop to a post and can't get Ryver to the foreground from the ^ overflow while holding on to a file. Maybe it's just me or Win10? :)


Rate a comment or message (like the Upvote/Downvote mechanic in posts)

Joseph Banass 8 years ago updated by aserty aser 3 months ago 2

A great feature would be to let users rate comments or messages in a private team or open forum. This can be great, especially for Q&A so that the proper "answer" stands out more.

Under review

link target

Timothy Reichle 8 years ago updated 8 years ago 6

Hotkey not working properly when Ryver is running

Austin Best 8 years ago updated by jeff 8 years ago 3

There are more programs than Ryver that use the key combination

Ctrl + Shift + I

Mainly Chrome has used it for years to open their developer console. Strangely enough when Ryver is running this key combination no longer works in ANY OTHER PROGRAMS.

Photoshop is another one that uses this combo as a shortcut for Inverse Selection.

Please fix this ASAP, it took FOREVER to realize why my combo quit working in Chrome, go figure it would be Ryver.

Under review

3rd Party Organizations via in app Ryver-Web-Browser

jake 8 years ago updated 8 years ago 2

So I have a marketing idea in the end, but really its a functionality and efficiency thing too.
I wonder if it is possible to have an organization from another company in the organizations list.

Image 32

What it would take is a browser like window in Ryver. I currently have 3 Ryver organizations.. a couple elsewhere.. leaving them nameless. So I see it as an attractive venture to have other 'circle shapes' here in the list which opens a browser in the main window. You would set the settings up for the organization as a url, then you simply go through the motions of that platform as if you had logged-in on the web. This way the information pipeline is not managed by Ryver, all Ryver has to do is make sure it has a working web browser.

Result: All 5 of my organizations in one platform in one list. Since Ryver is free, it may be a tool to help secure the new user that is on the fence due to having too many platforms between social/professional organizations.

Under review

Provide access to user profile card details for bot actions

Bill Gravelle 8 years ago updated 8 years ago 2

I just found Timezone.io today and am experimenting with it in the context of a Hubot script (GitHub repo). I definitely see the appeal of exposing this detail to our community. I just don't like the idea of forcing them to register for a new service, simply to provide the detail that already exists inside Ryver.

It would be great to have bot actions to set the current timezone (for when we're traveling). It also would be great to have the bot action contextually get the current timezones for members - in the Direct Message, the Private Team, the Open Forum or the Organization.