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Allow creating Tasks from the Notifications window

Ben 7 years ago 0

Once in notifications, looking at the message, users CANNOT CREATE A TASK!!!  When a user  reads a message that has been marked with reminder, the user will see it again in the Notifications section, but since there's no way to create a message, the user has to either set a new reminder or copy/paste to a new task, which is a cumbersome procedure.  Ryver needs to add the ability to create tasks directly from the notification Window.


Transfer the Reminder icon from the 3 periods area to next to the reaction icon

Ben 7 years ago updated 7 years ago 1

Creating a reminder in Ryver currently takes 3 clicks, vs 1 click for starring a message on Slack.  The good thing about Ryver’s reminders is that users can choose if they want to be reminded NOW or in a few minutes, hours days.  Currently, on the right of each message there are a REPLY, REACTION and 3PERIODS icons..  I suggest that this is changed to REPLY, REACTION, REMINDER and 3PERIODS icons.  This way, setting reminders would change to 2 clicks instead of 3.  Makes the system more efficient.


Error when trying to move a file to a reply in a Task

Ben 7 years ago 0

Error when trying to move a file to a reply in a Task

Whenever I try to move (drag and drop) a file to a reply in a Task, I get an error (see picture).  Uploading works fine though.

Under review

Include many NATIVE integrations

Ben 7 years ago updated by info 5 years ago 2

Right now, Ryver only integrates with Zapier.  There's the Webhooks option, but seems to require some level of technical knowledge.  Most users will probably not be able to use Webhooks easily.  And even Zaps are not so easy for the common user.

Slack has hundreds of native integrations: https://slack.com/apps

Ryver should actively seek native integrations with the most popular apps out there.  Native integrations promote the use of Ryver and can help current Ryver users get more "juice" from Ryver.

Under review

Increase size of emojis when posted without text

Ben 7 years ago updated by joeboon 5 years ago 3

This is a feature Slack introduced some time ago.  It's a minor thing but I find it to be nice.  Emojis have the right size for when you put them together with text.  But, sometimes you reply to something just with an emoji.  It would be nice to see that one bigger, maybe 2 or 3 times as big as the normal emoji size.


Allow Team Creator To Set New Team Admin And Then Leave A Team

Stephanie Henyard 7 years ago 0

When trying to leave a team that is no longer relevant, if that person created the team, they cannot leave. Even after setting another team member as admin of that team, the creator cannot leave. This setup ensures several staff are on teams they no longer need to participate in, since the remaining team members want to retain the data meaning we can't archive.

Please allow the creator of a team to name a successor and then depart. 

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Forum Moderators

Corvin Adkins 7 years ago updated by FHTheron 7 years ago 1

Allow Admins to select certain member to act as Forum Moderators 


Team Calendar view

Joie 8 years ago 0

Would be great to be able to have a shared calendar across the organization or specifically in teams to view deadlines and schedule check-ins


Add History tracking to each task

james armenti 8 years ago 0

Would be great if there was a History log in tasks so I can see how a task has moved and on what dates. Say for example "27 July 2017 13:05 Joe Smith changed Category to Development"


Profile: International phone numbers please

RvK 8 years ago updated by MarkB 7 years ago 1

Can't input my german phone number into my profile i.e.:

(012345) 6789 876-0 or

+49 (123) 456789 867-0

Ryver knows and accepts only U.S. format:

(123) 456 7890