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Choose between Dark and Light theme on mobile

Caleb Adams 8 years ago updated by anonymous 7 years ago 1

Just like Desktop, allow users to choose between a light and dark theme. (more than just a dark navbar)

Under review

Display the DATE rather than the DAY for chats and posts older than 1 week.

Matt Golman 8 years ago updated by anonymous 7 years ago 4

Displaying only the day of the week and not the complete date doesn't make sense for older messages. Looking at the screenshot below, you'd think that the "Wednesday 9:52pm" message was sent yesterday, but it's actually months old. If a post is older than 1 week, it should display the date instead. "9/21/2016 9:52pm" makes much more sense in this context.

Image 30


Add auto focus to chats!

Austin Best 8 years ago updated by jeff 8 years ago 5

When you click on someones name to start a chat, or in a forum or anywhere, the cursor should default to the typing box. It is quite annoying to click on the person and start typing to constantly find i again have to click just to focus the cursor. This is such a simple change and oversight i would hope it could be implemented sooner than later!


Ability to mass edit users in channels

pandapuffs_rustafied 6 years ago 0

It's a pain in the butt when we want to remove users from a channel we're archiving. Can you please have the ability to mass remove users from a channel instead of having to click into each user to remove from the channel?


Add a Task field called "Estimated Time to Finish"

Ben 7 years ago updated 7 years ago 1

Although there are certain tasks that have a deadline, there are many more that don't.  When you have only a few tasks, it's easy to prioritize and then work on any of them.  However, when you have a lot of tasks, it would be very useful if Ryver let you guesstimate the "Estimated time to Finish" in minutes, hours, days, weeks or months and add it to a task field for that purpose.  Then you could sort by that time and quickly pinpoint small tasks that can be finished off quickly, helping you to reduce the quantity of tasks in your list.


Allow users to choose if additionally to the regular notifications, they would like to see an alert about every message reply as if it was a direct message.

Ben 7 years ago 0

To explain it a little better, right now I can only see  a user name in BOLD in the DIRECT MESSAGES (left pane), when that user has written something to me.  I would like to have the option to also see that name in bold when that user has created a new topic or task or replied to a topic or task or mentioned me.  And when I click on some icon, next to the name (in Bold) of the user in Direct Messages, it would send me to the notifications section but filtered by only that user.  This way, I could chose which users notifications are more important to me so I can see them first.


Create a new section exclusive for Reminders

Ben 7 years ago updated 7 years ago 1

Right now, Reminders are mixed with replies to Topics and Tasks.  I think that Reminders are more important because those were set by the users reminding themselves of something that they had to do, as opposed to some other user writing them about something.


- The system could set a default period of 7, 14 or 30 days to "purge" old notifications and reminders, letting users change the settings of those to longer periods (2 months, 3 months, 6 months, 1 year).

- Both Notifications and Reminders should be SORTABLE by date from Oldest to Newest and Newest to Oldest.


better task tracking via convert task to link, embed task id or link in chat, and/or enable task search

mski 7 years ago updated by Ben 7 years ago 1

would be great to be able to refer to tasks in conversations or external to ryver (eg in notebook or google doc) and be able to pull up that task record.  Currently we have task ids enabled but it's clumsy to retrieve a given task given its ID - right now I have to just visually scan in the task window.   Beyond this would be great to have conversations referring to particular task ids eg via a tag that  when placed in the post creates a clickable link that zooms me to that task record.


Add Trogdor Ryver Custom Emojis

Meredith 7 years ago 0

Please add Trogdor the Burninator to the Ryver Custom Emojis.  We would use him very often when referencing 'burning to the ground'.

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Tutorial and marketplace for Hubot

Mark Blokpoel 7 years ago updated 7 years ago 0

The documentation for deploying a hubot bot is very poor. It would be nice to see better documentation for writing a Hubot script and deploying it. Even better, if there would be something like a marketplace where the community can share their bots/scripts. This way you can expand Ryver functionality for very low cost, and the users have more features available!