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Adhoc group chat without creating a team

jeff 9 years ago updated by Анастасия Куб 3 months ago 35

Would like to be able to select multiple users and have a chat conversation with them, similar to group text messages on a phone, without having to create a team and add them as teammates.


Reactions for chat messages

jeff 9 years ago updated by kanbui 7 years ago 21 1 duplicate

Would like to be able to add a "reaction" emoticon to another user's chat message, such as a thumbs up.


Allow Admin to see and manage ALL teams, not just the ones they are on

jeff 9 years ago updated by Matt Smith 6 years ago 24

As an Admin, I would like to be able to see all teams in my Ryver account. Currently, I can only see the teams I have created, or am a TEAMMATE on.

Under review

Move posts from one Team or Forum to another

Zach Malloch 9 years ago updated by Анастасия Куб 10 months ago 34

It would be nice to be able to move a post from one team or forum to another when editing. This could expand on marking posts as "completed" or "archived", as you can just move them to a "completed" forum. We're planning to use this for a question and answer tool, so having an "answered" forum that we can move the older questions into would be very useful.

Under review

Add option for 24h time format instead of am/pm

Andreas 9 years ago updated by Анастасия Куб 10 months ago 5

Am/pm is not used where I'm from so it's not as intuative for me as 24 hour time format.

Under review

Customize Emoticons

Piet Nutbey 9 years ago updated by Анастасия Куб 5 months ago 16

One thing we really like would be an added option for custom icons / emoticons.

Of-course this adds nothing to functionality, but I know our team of 8 always loves to play around with it.


Export data

Andreas 9 years ago updated by Анастасия Куб 3 months ago 69

I think a feature for exporting all your data would make new users feel more comfortable committing to a product such as this so that they know they will not get completely locked in. It could also be useful if you want to be able to analyses your data for example to see how Ryver is being used.

Under review

Calendars for teams

Bjoern Voss 9 years ago updated by Анастасия Куб 4 months ago 9

It would be great to have a calendar for teams to organize meetings, post events that are of interest to the team and so on. One can also think of nice integrations with this feature, e.g. a shared team calendar synced to google calendar.


Open to Last Unread

UTisTheLaw 9 years ago updated by Анастасия Куб 4 months ago 8 1 duplicate

When you open a forum after being away, I would like to be able to go to my last unread chat either automatically or by clicking a button or link.

Under review

User polls/polling in Forums and Teams

jeff 9 years ago updated by Анастасия Куб 1 year ago 9

Would like to be able to set up a poll within a forum or team and have users vote. The poll would display the results prominently. Perhaps this would be a special type of Post on the POSTS tab.