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Permit change of user name

Edward 7 years ago updated by Mahomed 7 years ago 1

People should be able to change their user name, but this appears not to be possible.

Someone may choose a name they later realise is inappropriate. Or two people with the same first name join and need to differentiate themselves: will everyone remember that the second Helen to join the organization is @helenr, not @helen?


Make the 'Edit' action more obvious and accessible

Edward 7 years ago 0

A common problem I've observed on Slack is that people do not initially realise that they can edit or delete their own posts. In Ryver this is arguably even more obscure: few people (outside tech circles) understand that a ⋮ signifies a submenu. It's a poor UX convention.

The edit action is probably the one most needed (certainly more frequently than 'Create Task'), so why not put this on the floating menu, rather than on the submenu? Maybe have the hover menu appear for a few seconds over a message after it's submitted so that people get to know it's there? Maybe consider replacing the ⋮ with a word (e.g. 'Actions')? Maybe allow people to customise the floating menu?


Bump Team when New Task Created

Michael Schuette 7 years ago 0

When a new task is created there is a popup that lets you know it has been created, and a notification in the "Notifications" section, but it would be nice if a new task is created it moved that Team to the top of the list and bolded that team as if there were a new chat message.  It would be similar to what happens when a new Post is created.  There is a notification in the Chat window and that team is bolded and moved to the top of your list if you sort by last activity. 


Admin notification of new users joined

Steffis Cloud 7 years ago 0

Add admin notification of new users joined to welcome them


Add a member without email, by a phone number.

igorcunha 7 years ago 0

add a member, with a phone number like in others chats. without necessity of email.


Add "from:" filtering function to Search

Canned Karma 8 years ago 0

Slack's search function allows you to type "from:[team member name]", which is incredibly useful when trying to find their previous messages or files. That string can also be further filtered by typing "in:[channel/forum name]" I would love to see this implemented in Ryver as well!


Allow cancelling of entering password for admin settings in iOS app

Jeff Rensink 8 years ago updated by Isaac Shalev 7 years ago 1

Ran into a frustrating scenario using the iOS mobile app.  I was logged into my Ryver server and could chat.  Then I mistakenly chose to go to the Admin Settings, where I was asked to enter my password.  The problem is that I use random passwords and didn't know it, so I couldn't enter my password.  But I also couldn't go back into the regular interface any more (there is no back/cancel option).

I tried killing the app in iOS by double pressing the home button and swiping the app up.  I even rebooted my phone.  But each time, Ryver dumped me right back to the admin password screen.  I tried putting in wrong passwords a few times, hoping it would hit a threshold and dump me back into the normal app.  Unfortunately, this doesn't happen.   So I try killing the app and opening it up again, but this time I'm at the main Ryver login page.  So I give up and figure I'll just look up m password when I get home.

Now I'm at home, I look up my password and try to login.  That's when I'm notified about my account being locked out from too many bad login attempts.  I reset my password to unlock my account, log back into Ryver on my phone and I'm put right back at the admin setting login screen again.  Fortunately I have my password now and can enter it to get past this.  But what a hassle and it also prevented me from using the app just because I accidentally chose Admin Settings.

All of this could have been avoided by simply allowing me to cancel my admin settings login attempt.  So please add a cancel link/button to the admin setting login screen.  


Restrict posting/chatting in a channel to a set of users

dp 8 years ago 0

It's useful to have a forum that is read-only for most people (for chat and posts), such as an "Announcements" forum, especially when guests may be invited.  This allows other users to be certain that the messages in the channel are authoritative.  


Minor detail but huge savings in frustration.

lblack 8 years ago 0

Please for the love of all that is holy put in the feature that automatically places the cursor in the chat textbox when entering a new channel(forum, whatever.)  If you switch between multiple direct messages all day long it is SUPER frustrating not having that.  Slack does not have this problem.  This is a tiny feature that would make ppl's lives better.


Organize posts in columns (trello style)

joserene 8 years ago updated by Hans-Guenther Schwarz 7 years ago 1

It would make Ryver a killer app if the posts could be more than just conversations in historical order. If they could be organized in columns like trello or at least categorized within a group it would make it so much more useful.


Security PIN for desktop and mobile clients

RvK 8 years ago 0

In our company (50 employees) we urgently need more security within the Ryver Apps for our Direct Messages. We suggest a four digit PIN with a timeout setting for all apps / clients. Logout / login is no solution. Desktop screen locks are no solution for us as well.

Regards from Germany,



Default notification preferences

Matt Sollars 8 years ago 0

I think we really need an account setting that allows us to set default notification/alert preferences. I see 2 options for how this works with a 3rd possibility that is quite different as a global setting.

  1. Any new forums or teams you are added to will be set to use your default notification/alert preferences. Those individual forum/team notification settings stay that way once created, even if you change your default preferences. This is probably the easiest to implement because it requires the fewest changes to how things work now.
  2. Any new forums or teams you are added to will inherit your default notification/alert preferences until changed. This requires each forum/team have a new option for notifications: "Use my global preferences". You can override an individual forum/team to always show you notifications and/or alerts. Doing so "pins" that room to those settings regardless of changes to your default preferences. Additionally, those rooms set to inherit will always follow whatever your default preferences are set to.
  3. This last option is could be in addition to one of the above options or just in lieu of them entirely. It would be great to have some global setting for notifications and alerts that I can switch on and off across the entire application. I'm trying to avoid a direct comparison to the "other communication tool", but one thing I loved about it was the ability to disable all notifications/alerts entirely or to only worry about messages where I am @-mentioned.
Under review

Running tasks

Austin Best 8 years ago updated by jeff 8 years ago 3

Why does opening river spin off 4 individual tasks? Seems quite odd it is using 180,000 k of memory

That is more than dreamweaver which is a known memory hog.. also more than explorer is using.. 


Set a language in your account to avoid spelling marks

alex 8 years ago updated by ChrisJ 7 years ago 1

When I write in the chat box, I always see the "red lines" below the words I'm typing, because I'm writing in spanish, so all the words are "incorrect" in english.

If we could set a language to our account, the "auto spelling checker" of the "input field" would work in each language ;-)


Inline Playback of Uploaded Media

icex 8 years ago 0

Would it be possible to add inline media playback of uploaded content(.mp3, .mp4, .wav, and .mov) into ryver similar to slack so that users do not have to download or leave the ryver chat to see the content.