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E-Mail to Ryver organization ("My Inbox"?) or forum or team or as direct message

RvK 8 years ago 0

As we use teams or forums or direct messages for project purposes, we would like to foward external E-Mails to our Ryver organization to something like a "My Inbox". 

And from "My Inbox", the E-Mails could be moved to a forum / team / directly as chat or post.

Or - like Trello cards - a forum or team or member has it's individual e-mail adress.

Best regards from Germany,



Share / Link to messages

martin 8 years ago updated by anonymous 7 years ago 2

Use Case: I want to be able to link to a specific message so I can point someone in a private chat or a different forum to that message.

Possible solution: Extend the context menu (...) on a message with a "Share" button which can either:

a) give you a link to the message so you can paste it into another chat or forum

b) provide some dialog to choose a Ryver user with which to share the message


Self-registration / Request to Join

martin 8 years ago updated by Andreas 8 years ago 1

On the login screen of a Ryver site, there needs to be a way to self-register (with approval from an admin, of course), or a way to request to join, which an admin can then approve.

This way, I can send a link to the site to the users in my organization and they can sign up without me having to invite them individually.

(It is better if they request to join, rather than me "forcing" the solution on them).



samkovaveronika 8 years ago updated by ivan_takev 8 years ago 1

Please, can you change the graphic of smiley :) to something less laughing? When using current smiley, conversation is often misunderstood and seems ironic. Thank you


Chat with Images Should be Posted below not above the image

Jiego Mojica 8 years ago updated by Nat 7 years ago 1

Just a small suggestion. When a poster attaches an image to a chat post, It's probably better if the text appears below the image and not above the image which is currently the default. It's easier to read this way.


Different Search Categories - Messages, People, Tags (Tag Cloud)

martin 8 years ago 0

Currently the search on the top left gives you only the option to search for messages using a free input search field. However, it would be nice if it provided some sub-categories, like searching for messages or people. (The people search would be a handy complement to #[293], in which private discussions could be started with multiple people by choosing names from a list of people).

Additionally a search in the form of a tag cloud would also be useful as a way to see existing tags and how frequently they are used, allowing the user to click on a tag and see corresponding messages, as an alternative to searching by tags.


Thumbnails for uploaded documents

Caleb Adams 8 years ago 0

Make is so that when files are uploaded they can be seen more easily. Maybe add some sort of thumbnail that underneath the upload that includes the title, and some other (meta) information about the file, a small image depicting the file would be nice as well. Similar to how google drive links look.


Search keyboard shortcut

rysiutek 8 years ago updated by Computers for Schools Yukon 8 years ago 1

Simple idea: focusing search field (or opening search dialog) using standard shortcut (Ctrl+F / cmd+F).

Under review

Deep linking of Windows Notifications

Stefanus “HowlinWulf” Fourie 8 years ago updated 8 years ago 5

When receiving notifications, it would be amazing if I could click on it and it then takes me to that message or at least that forum/team/DM in which that alert was triggered.

Currently it just opens the Ryver Desktop Client on the page you last had open, which is fine, but the deep link would be next level.


Allow choosing notification sound in app

noam composica 8 years ago 0

Would love to have the option to select the sound used by the mobile app's notification, to allow differentiating it from other notifications on the device.