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"copy message" feature for the web/desktop app.

i1pro 4 years ago 0

Please add the mobile app "copy message" feature in the web or desktop app. I really miss it.


Default assignees to taks on some Teams

Railson 5 years ago 0

We'd like to have an option to have some assignees automatically added to new tasks on specific Teams.


Define task assignees on custom integrations json

Railson 5 years ago 0

We're using Zabbix to create tasks on Ryver, it would be nice to define assignees for these tasks automatically.


Define task tags on custom integrations json

Railson 5 years ago 0


joeboon 5 years ago updated 5 years ago 2

Ryver have gendered some of their emojis without needing to.

You have man-rowing-boat and woman-rowing-boat and also rowboat. Same with walking.

There are non-gendered versions of :rowboat: and :walking: but you have included them as gendered:

Markdig =

:rowboat: = "🚣" 1f6a3

:walking: = "🚶" 1f6b6

Ryver =

:rowboat: = "🚣‍♂️" 1f6a3 200d 2642 fe0f

:walking: = "🚶‍♂️" 1f6b6 200d 2642 fe0f

```Ryver have gendered their emojis without needing to.
Markdig =
:rowboat: = "🚣" 1f6a3
:walking: = "🚶" 1f6b6

Ryver =
:rowboat: = "🚣‍♂️" 1f6a3 200d 2642 fe0f
:walking: = "🚶‍♂️" 1f6b6 200d 2642 fe0f```


Easier markdown for links (highlight text> right click > add link)

i1pro 5 years ago 0

Easier markdown for links.  Highlight text > right click > add link 

- you already have right click just add the option for hyperlink that brings a popup where to paste the link.

Image 136


Add a new permission to only allow team/forum admins to create new posts

JoshG 5 years ago 0

It would be nice to have certain forums and/or teams where team/forum admins can only make the posts, and everyone else can only comment.