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Notification settings on forum creation
Is it possible to make the "Alert all members that this forum has been created" default to the off position, as this is an odd thing to have happen accidentally or would want to have happen with every forum creation.
Perhaps make it an admin setting whether this should default to the off or on position?

Decisions Decisions Decisions
Debates typically (should) end in a final decision.
There should be an easy why to flag/tag/status/whatever it and it should be very easy to find all final decisions. Even if this feature is only available in on posts for private teams as this is typically where the shortcoming is. Once available it could be very useful everywhere else.
This is the ONE feature I find missing from Ryver (and almost any other tool).
As to how to implement in Ryver . . . i leave that up to you guys, sure you'll come up with a nifty plan.
Quick suggestion . . .
A comment (message) with a specific flag/tag/status/whatever that can be set only with the relevant access credentials.

Preserve indentation white space when posting comments.
When I post indented code such as the following, the indentation should be preserved and for bonus points it should be in a monospace font, like traditional code sections:

Web links preview/summary
Would be great to have the preview/summary of a pasted web link the way that Slack does it

Posting code
I tried to post some code today
How ever it wouldn't work. I found you could do ''' but as soon as I pressed return it just added a blank code snippet so I have to create it in notepad so I could paste it into ryver.

Slow User List Load
We are approaching 95 active users. Individually managing a user through the app is slow and clunky. The app only loads a few users at a time and I'm often forced to scroll slowly while the app catches up and loads the next group of users. Sometimes that catch up can take over 10 seconds and then create a jump effect within the user administration.

Text is being removed automatically
So as a software developer, i refer to versions ALOT. However i guess Ryver does not like speaking of versions...
5.1.*, 5.5.*, 6.0.*
When i put that in the chat to refer to 3 major builds with any of the revisions related, Ryver takes it upon its self to change that to
5.1., 5.5., 6.0.*
So it appears there is a problem with a period followed by the asterisk followed by a comma?????

Deactivated users still show in the mobile app
When i click on "Direct Messages" and get a user list to the right, in the windows program i do not see people who are not active. However i do still see them in the mobile app (Android).

Way to CANCEL uploads
If i drop a large file in the chat window and it starts uploading, there is no way to stop the process. If i uploaded the wrong one or just dont want to transfer it after seeing how slow it is, i should be able to simly cancel it. I shouldn't have to wait until the upload is complete before being able to undo it.
If i am missing something, please let me know. I couldn't click on the progress bar or right click on it either so i see no way to do this. Oversight maybe?
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