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Set a language in your account to avoid spelling marks
When I write in the chat box, I always see the "red lines" below the words I'm typing, because I'm writing in spanish, so all the words are "incorrect" in english.
If we could set a language to our account, the "auto spelling checker" of the "input field" would work in each language ;-)

Inline Playback of Uploaded Media
Would it be possible to add inline media playback of uploaded content(.mp3, .mp4, .wav, and .mov) into ryver similar to slack so that users do not have to download or leave the ryver chat to see the content.

Bug when trying to mention a channel with a tiret
I just found a bug. When i'm in a channel and want to mention another channel (with +nameofthechannel for example), there is a bug if the mentioned channel had a tiret. For example +new-channel doesn't work (there is no link).

User list sorting
Would be a great option if we could sort the user list alphabetically instead of forcing it to be the last one you sent a message to.

Images downloaded from mobile app (android devices) is pixelated or blurred.
Regardless of where images were uploaded from, when they're downloaded and viewed from mobile app android devices, the images are pixelated or blurred. Not an internet connection issue. Hope this gets resolved.

Allow users to change the font face
It would be nice if users can choose their own font face. I've noticed on some occasions that the default font can be "thin".

Add option to show password
Small thing, but allowing users (especially new ones) the option of seeing their passwords when typing would remove a bit of potential frustration.

Draft/Publish support for posts
This would be SO helpful! I too often have multiple in-progress posts at a time, so being able to save as a draft (if not have the autosave like gmail) would be very valuable.
Additionally—and please let me know if this should be a separate post?—I'm wondering if there is a way to even mark certain posts by stages that are only accessible by specific team members and/or user level?
For example, I have a "Can You Help Me" forum where I make posts of open tasks and positions for volunteers. For a while I was posting even lose concepts of teams/positions in there with a note in the description that it would be "fleshed out later."While the forum is open to everyone on my team, I sometimes work on the development of certain position descriptions/task structures with 1-2 team members.
At the moment, I created a separate private team and copy/pasted in those that weren't fully developed. But if there was some form of gradation like Draft/In Review/Published, with the ability to dictate who can see what level (if not by individual than maybe by Guest vs Member vs Admin, it would save a lot of workaround time.
This of course may be totally negated if the ability to move posts arises... Then I suppose having a "in the works" team or something could work... but would still be more functional the alternate way.
Again please let me know if I should make this a separate post (excepting the 1st 2 sentences) ;D

See the Forums a user is in
Exactly how you can view what Teams you share with another user, have the option (at least as an Admin) to view what Forums a user belongs to.
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