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Under review

Show how long a user has been idle/way

acbeef 9 years ago updated by jeff 9 years ago 1

It would be great to see how long a user has been idle/away in mins/hrs Skype for Business (formerly Lync) had this feature. It would also be nice to be able to set the time limit for how long it takes for a user to go idle/away. Currently i think Ryver default is set to 30 mins.

Thanks for considering.

Under review

Schedule Do Not Disturb

Stephanie Henyard 9 years ago updated by jeff 9 years ago 2

Allow for setting a schedule for Do Not Disturb on a user account. During the times specified, notifications would go to Notifications tab but not email or push notifications. This would be useful when staff are working outside of business hours and want to send updates while thinking about tasks. Other staff could have DND setup to ensure they don't get a notification on their phone at 9pm or 2am. Or 10:42pm.

Under review

Add Chats to Existing Post

Stephanie Henyard 9 years ago updated by Adam Williams 4 years ago 3

Promoting Chats to a Post is an amazing feature! But what if someone continues talking about the topic outside of the post. It'd be great to be able to add those chats to the Post after it's been created.


Bold Forums when Topic has unread message

Gregory Kisling 6 years ago updated by DRO 6 years ago 1


Today, when there is a new message in a Forum the Forum in left side bar is in Bold.

When a message is created on a topic, inside this forum, I may receive notifications, but the Forum in left side bar is not in bold. 


It would be nice to put the forum in Bold when a topic has a new message i did not read. 


Add the "Tasks" Category to Ryver Product Ideas

Ben 7 years ago 0

Right now there is no "Tasks" category when you add an idea to Ryver Product Ideas.  I guess this probably happened because the Product Ideas was started before Ryver had tasks implemented.  It's time to add it.

And, while you are at it, you should change the name of the POSTS category to TOPICS, as Ryver already changed that name a long time ago.


More Filter on task stream

Viktor 7 years ago updated by Lisa Woodring 5 years ago 1

It would be nice if Ryver put filter on Task Stream as it implemented in Task Tab, Our team daily routine is go to task stream and filter "Assigned to Me" at this moment it filled with Task that already done and not done, which is bit messy... if you can filter by "Not Done" only OR by specific "Tag" it would be more productive flow

Under review

Ryver Analytics

Ben 7 years ago updated by anonymous 5 years ago 6

It would be very useful for Admins to have a few pages with analytics summary data and graphs, like Slack has.

As of today 2/7/2018, Slack has the following information in their Analytics page:

In the Overview Tab:
- All-Time Usage
- Messages Sent (by the whole organization)
- Increase/Decrease in qty and percentage of the messages in the last 30 days
- File Storage used (by the whole organization)
- Increase/Decrease in qty and percentage of files in the last 30 days
- Apps and Integrations Installed

- Active Users
- Graph showing Weekly Active users and alternatively Daily active users (over time)

- Public (Forums) and Private (Teams)
- Graph showing 2 tabs: Where people are reading and Where messages are sent.  Percentage in Public Channels, Percentage in Private Channels, Percentage in Direct Messages

- Messages and Files Graph
- Graph showing 2 tabs: Messages sent and Files Uploaded (over time)

In the Channels Tab:
- Qty of Public Channels (forums).  Then a table with the forum names, date created, last active date, Total members, messages posted

In the Members Tab:
- Table with all the members names, user names, email addresses, account creation date.

Under review

Quickly Switch Tasks View between Kanban and Sortable Table

Ben 7 years ago updated 7 years ago 6

The Kanban (Trello type) view for Tasks is nice when you have only a few tasks.  But when you have a lot of tasks, it is sometimes better to be able to switch (whenever you wish) to a Tabular view where you can decide which columns to show and how to sort (similar to Outlook tasks)


Linux does not minimized on tray

ccfiel 9 years ago updated by jeff 9 years ago 1

Please add an option that can do a minimized on tray. Just like slack. In the current app It will close.


Subscribe to a Tag/Search - Recieve a Notification when a new chat/post has a specific tag

Stephanie Henyard 9 years ago updated by jeff 9 years ago 1

Similiar to Post Stream, a method for following updates - chats and posts - which employ a specific tag. This could also be a saved search that displays matching new results. I see this being Notifications, and not a separate sidebar area.

Under review

Contacts information and Calendar of Activities... It would be great..!!!

Juan Carlos Otero 9 years ago updated by CARLOS - EL COACH 7 years ago 3

Thank you, can we have Contacts information ( Prospects, Clients, Personal Contact, Provider, Employee, Contractor ) and Calendar of Activities? It would be great

Under review

Add an Admin option for domain mapping to a non-ryver.com URL for our account

jeff 9 years ago updated by Zack 8 years ago 6

Would like to be able to map <OurAccount>.ryver.com to something like chat.<OurOrganization>.com and point our users to that URL.


Task Stream

Luis Pernia 7 years ago updated by Andrew Garrett 6 years ago 1

It would be very helpfull for Managers and Asignees to be able to sort the tasks stream as the following:

  • Sort by Asignee
  • Sort by Date
  • Sort by Asignee and Date

Implementation of this feature would improve User tracking of tasks as well as a better supervision


Allow "Don't Send Notifications" on Topics and Tasks in the Team Notification Settings

Ben 7 years ago 0

Right now, on the top right of any team there's an elipsis.  The first option is "Manage Team" and below there's "Notifications".  There, you can chose 3 options for Topics and the same 3 options for Tasks:

- New Topics/Tasks created
- New Topics/Tasks and replies (auto-subscribe)
- Only Topics/Tasks I'm participating in

I propose a 4th option: "Don't Send Notifications".  Especially for Tasks.

When you have a small team and few tasks, it's not a big deal to create a Task and be "Auto-Subscribed" to it, so every time there's a reply you get a notification.  However, if you create a lot of tasks for your team and you trust your team, you really don't need to get notified every time there's a reply.  Actually, you can get too many notifications which will clutter your notifications stream.

Under review

Notifications should show the Chat, Topic or Task line (or lines) being reminded in Yellow Highlight

Ben 7 years ago updated by anonymous 5 years ago 2

Right now, when you set a reminder on a chat, once you click on the notification, you see a thin red line above the message you set the reminder on.  However, when you have set a reminder on the title of the topic or a task (not on one of the lines in them), there's no indicator of which part of the topic or task is the one you are being reminded about.  So each time you are looking at a notification, you spend a little bit of time looking for the red line or trying to figure out what part of the screen you are looking at has the issue you are being reminded about.

I propose that whatever you set the reminder on, the notification should show the Chat, Topic or Task line (or lines) being reminded in YELLOW HIGHLIGHT.  So if it's one line, it will highlight that line.  If it's the whole topic or task, highlight the whole thing.  And, if you (Ryver) prefer another highlight color instead of yellow for some reason, it's fine with me.