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We pride ourselves on constantly improving Ryver based on customer feedback. Here, you can view and vote on the current list of feature ideas, or add your own idea if you don't see it.

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Under review

Collapsable Code if 3-back-tick Method used

jake 8 years ago updated by Trevor Vaughan 8 years ago 3

When doing code shares, these can be long snippets. Many times the comments within the main post, along with shared pics or links, are tedious to navigate. So if a collapse button were to be right next to the top line of code to collapse only the code between the back-ticks, this would be sweet! (Method Ex.:)


Some means of visually acclimating new users to Ryver

Jeff Berman 8 years ago updated by Felixvd 6 years ago 2

If it doesn't already exist, it would be nice to have a mechanism for quickly showing new Ryver users (web) how to use the system. I'm envisioning overlays that appear the first time a new user logs in to show them key features.

We have found in our group that many new users haven't discovered that the "Open Forums" link is clickable, as surprising as this sounds. As a result, their sidebar isn't populated with forums and they aren't even aware that discussions are taking place all around them.

It would be nice if overlays appeared when they first signed on (or perhaps every time they sign on until they enter a forum) encouraging them to click on the Open Forums list to enter the ones that appear interesting to them. Once they do this, perhaps another overlay could appear to point out how the forum is now in their sidebar and how it will change color when new content appears.


Google Calendar Integration

Charlotte 5 years ago 0

We have been using Ryver for the past year and it's amazing a Google Calendar integration has NOT been considered. Even simple apps like Trello have this FREE FEATURE. It's near to impossible to keep on top of adding tasks in Ryver and then adding to a team Google Calendar. Is this going to be a feature that's going to be considered in the next few months? If not, Im going somewhere else. 


Date format

ChrisJ 6 years ago updated by dex black 4 years ago 1

Allow use of date format other than US format. E.g. dd/mm/yyyy


Native app

bartlomiej szponarski 6 years ago 0

Hello, dunno whether there was such a request, but are you planning to release native app's for iOS and android? Reopening and notifications are a mess in current state. Could be very helpful.


Regards! Bartek


Task Stream Advanced Filtering and Sorting

Jason Gray 6 years ago updated 6 years ago 1

Allow Admins to make membership in a Forum AUTOMATIC for all users

Ben 6 years ago updated 6 years ago 2

Right now the only forum that automatically adds all users is the ALL HANDS.  I suggest that when an creating a Forum, the Admin should be able to choose if joining the forum is voluntary or automatic.  That setting could be toggled at any time by the General Admin or the Forum Admin.

Under review

Double android notifications

Dominic Falcao 6 years ago updated by jeff 6 years ago 7

I get push notifications twice/they appear doubled in notifications bar in Android (though not in app)


Notification marked as read if I read the message in the group

Kyle Miller 6 years ago updated by Jack Woehr 4 years ago 2

When I am in a private team and some @mentions me, I get a notification in the notifications tab.  If I got to the private team and read that message, the notification should also get marked as read since it is just telling me to read the message I just read.  So basically, if i open the message that the notification is telling me I got, the notification should be marked as read so I don't then have to go to the notification to clear it


Outgoing webhooks

Giovanni Beltrame 6 years ago 0

Add outgoing webhooks so that for example one can have a "Reports" forum and every post can be exported and converted in a corporate friendly format.


Tasks and posts to be visible in the sidebar

Ivan Takev 7 years ago updated by Mahomed 6 years ago 1

We get more and more requests to have tasks and posts visible while in the chat window. Maybe the sidebar can accommodate these. On the desktop version there is plenty of real estate...


Move Tasks List/Column and or specific Card/Task to a different Board/Team/Personal Tasks list

Shay Dabush 7 years ago updated by Joie 7 years ago 2

- Let's say someone accidentally created a task in the wrong place, he need to be able to move it to the relevant board.

- Sometimes we start a task in a certain place and it's no longer relevant to keep it there as a more suitable/relevant forum/team was created.


Readability like in WhatsApp

RvK 7 years ago 0

Compared to Ryver our employees like the readability of WhatsApp and esp. TwistApp much more than Ryver due to friendly bright colors, chat bubbles and bigger font sizes (esp. in the Ryver Smartphone Apps, important).


calendar subscription of task due dates

john 7 years ago updated by Xiaotong Yao 6 years ago 1

Would be great if I could subscribe and get my ryver tasks that have due dates to show up in my calendar program as an ical or other calendar subscription type thing.

Even better would be if those then would have a link that would pull you right to them in the app (web or desktop version).


Ryver Android and iOS App Persistent Connection

Floyd Que 7 years ago 0

It would be greate if Ryver will try to use the notification process like FB Messenger or Viber which when you receive the notification and open the App, it is already connected even in slow connections. Currently if I receive a notification and open the app, it takes a while for the message to appear on my app because it is still connecting