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Nested Item on Checklist

Viktor 6 years ago 0

It would be great if we can have nested item on checklist. So we can use List Layout in Task with more advanced features. Also when using Kanban... its get even better.

Please consider and vote this idea


Every task should have a changelog

Aar 6 years ago updated 6 years ago 0

Tasks should have a changelog displaying time information for actions, including when

  • a checklist item was marked or unmarked complete,
  • a task was completed or "un-completed",
  • a task's category was moved or archived, and
  • a task was edited.

This will give a good idea of the timeframe at which a task is being completed.


Show the time of day of a created task

Aar 6 years ago updated by joeboon 5 years ago 1

Currently, tasks on their task page do not show the time of day. The page only show the month, day, and the year (e.g. 9/28/2018). 

Considering how forum posts do show the time of day at which a post was created, this seems reasonable to add. Even when you mark a task as completed, it will tell you the time of day at which the task was completed.


Want to Use Ryver for Project Management but keep Chat/Topics Internal but share Tasks with Client?

Phil Dimuro 6 years ago updated by joeboon 5 years ago 3

Is there a way to do this in the current system? I would absolutely switch to Ryver in a heartbeat. It's the only thing I can't figure out how to do if we would switch our current Skype/Trello/Email flow over to Ryver Pro


Navigation in Task View

Hemant Shah 7 years ago 0

When a task is opened for viewing, there could be buttons in the task pop up to allow quickly navigating to the next task in the same list or the next one, instead of having to close down the current task and then opening the next one. There could also be hotkeys to allow this, e.g., Ctrl+Up to move to the task above in the same list, Ctrl+Down to move to next task in the list, Ctrl+Left for moving to a task in the list on the left, Ctrl+ Right to move to the list on the right.


Missing auto complete for :+1: and :-1:

michael 7 years ago 0

Embed video player for uploaded videos

michael 7 years ago 0

We often in the office record videos upload them to Slack to show something, we're currently considering moving over to Ryver but it seems to miss the feature to embed a video player when uploading a video clip.


Search by tag

Jason Gray 7 years ago 0

The tags are not useful if we are not able to use them as search criteria.  Search does not return anything when the tag is the criterion.


Remove ability for Joined members that are not Team Admins to add/remove Categories from Tasks list.

Ignas Savickas 7 years ago 0

Remove ability for Joined members that are not Team Admins to add/remove Categories from Tasks list.


Can't send several pictures at once using the Ryver iPhone App

Ben 7 years ago 0

I have tried sending several pictures using the Ryver iPhone App, but it always only sends one.  So in order to send several pictures I have to do each one separately.  Very time consuming.  This "bug" should be fixed soon.


Zendesk integration

pwilcox 7 years ago 0

It would be nice to have integration into ZenDesk so if you have a project it can also raise a ticket in ZenDesk and if it is completed there it is or here at Ryver then it is completed across the board.


Mark as Read Button in Pop-Up Notification

Oli Chance 7 years ago 0

I like to keep informed of what's going on in my teams, so it's useful to have the pop-up notifications, but it would help a lot if there was a 'Mark as Read' or similar button that could be clicked on in the pop-up itself (a feature some email reader apps/browser add-ons have) so I can quickly set aside things that I know don't need my attention without having to navigate to Ryver.


simple custom task analytics including task list per user and other pivots

mski 7 years ago updated 7 years ago 1

would be great to quickly figure out "what is person X working on" or "what has person X completed in the past k days", as well as other queries or aggregations of the task data ... even if required an export eg to xml, json, or tsv!


Pull avatar from gravatar

Dani Avni 7 years ago 0

Please add a default to pull the avatar from Gravatar and other similar services


Ability to enable alert for when anyone on a team comes online

Sandro Ferreira 7 years ago 0

 Ideal for small teams with diverse work schedule.