Under review

Notifications should take you to the chat message and highlight just as a comment on a Post does

Christopher 9 years ago updated by anonymous 5 years ago 2

Notifications should take you to the chat message and highlight just as a comment on a Post does.

Currently, when you click on a notification from inside the Notification section, certain ones take you directly to the chat (and highlight it in yellow) while others don't.

For example, a comment to a Post will take you directly to that comment and highlight it.
However, an @ mention in a Forum chat message will only take you to the channel and not to the chat itself. It also doesn't highlight it in yellow.

I would like to see it so that it also highlights Chat messages in the same way it does on a Comment.

Under review

We agree, Christopher. The Chat and Post/Comment systems are separate, resulting in a few differences that probably don't make sense from a user point of view. We are looking into updating the chat side in such a way that we will be able to introduce a number of features such as this one, along with other things like chat message reactions and reminders on chat messages.