Under review

Chat / Post search results sortable by person, date, attachments, etc.

Albert 9 years ago updated by anonymous 5 years ago 6

One of the main draws of Ryver is the unlimited storage of past Chats and Posts. But what good are they if you can't find them when you need them? I'd like a nice little search results interface that lets me filter or sort the search results. In effect, searching WITHIN the search results.

This would be amazing.

Under review

Advanced search capability would be great.

ability to look at posts from a specific date or range of dates would be much more user friendly 

A little disheartening this hasn't been implemented since the original post 3 years ago. Sorting by, or searching within, a date range should be part of core functionality in this day and age. Instead I'm having to "Show More" chat messages, task comments, tasks, etc. to find what I'm looking for.