Export task data as .tsv or .json

mski 7 years ago updated by joeboon 5 years ago 2

the export would just need to contain basic task data e.g. title, description, who created the task, who it was assigned to, when it was completed, who completed it

I have created an independent exporter for Ryver data called RyExport (see my web site UtilitySoftware.Store). RyExport uses the Ryver API to export the tasks, topics, and chats from all teams and forums you have access to. It exports as JSON and also generates HTML web pages to let you view the data more easily. 

The JSON includes the title, description, user who created the task, assignees, completion date, modified date, and modified user. I don't believe Ryver stores who completed the task, but you may be able to use the assigned user or user who last modified it.

Here's the JSON I exported from my organisation for a completed task. It would also include body (description), subtasks (checklists) and attachments if it had any.

                          "__metadata": {
                              "type": "Entity.Tasks.Task"
                          "id": 643346,
                          "__descriptor": "Print window - Show print preview",
                          "subject": "Print window - Show print preview",
                          "body": "Generate a print preview using the user's printer page size and preferences. A single page will be fine for now",
                          "position": 0,
                          "tags": [
                          "short": null,
                          "dueDate": "2020-06-27T12:00:00+01:00",
                          "completeDate": "2020-06-23T08:58:17+01:00",
                          "sourceType": null,
                          "sourceId": null,
                          "archived": false,
                          "commentsCount": 1,
                          "latestComments": [],
                          "attachmentsCount": 0,
                          "assignees": {
                              "results": [
                                      "__metadata": {
                                          "type": "Entity.User"
                                      "id": 10244,
                                      "__descriptor": "Joe"
                          "subTasks": {
                              "results": []
                          "extras": null,
                          "__permissions": 15,
                          "__subscribed": true,
                          "__reactions": {},
                          "createUser": {
                              "__metadata": {
                                  "type": "Entity.User"
                              "id": 10244,
                              "__descriptor": "Joe"
                          "createDate": "2020-02-05T11:04:40+00:00",
                          "modifyUser": {
                              "__metadata": {
                                  "type": "Entity.User"
                              "id": 10244,
                              "__descriptor": "Joe"
                          "modifyDate": "2020-06-27T10:58:17+01:00"