Moving tasks on high resolution screens / or with long task lists bugs out

Mark Blokpoel 7 years ago updated 7 years ago 1

These might be two separate bugs.

1. When I move a task from one category to another, the task sometimes does not "follow" my mouse and starts glitching all over the place. The scrolling panes in turn also start glichting and I cannot move the task with any accuracy, I have to guess where it will end up. This most often happens working on a high resolution screen (e.g., my 4k screen at home). It happens both in the browser (newest chrome version) and the desktop version (Ryver's older chrome version) and both on my windows PC and my MacBook.

2. With a very long task list (18 tasks one category, not that many tasks in my line of work), moving a task causes the internal vertical scroll bar of the category to glitch out and move to infinity. The task box I am moving then get's "stuck" in the top left corner and it stays there even when I then browse to a forum, chat, what have you. See attached screenshot.

Image 81

These two issues make working with tasks on my Macbook pro retina and 4k screen pc really frustrating.

Anybody else experiencing this issue too?