
Attachements not uploading

MarkB 7 years ago updated by VPHrishikesh Kokate 7 years ago 2

I'm editing a stickied post to attach new files. I intend to keep updating the top post to keep track of our meeting schedule and attach relevant files to this post. I tried uploading files from my harddrive to Ryver and attaching Google drive files, but although the text in the post is updated, the attachements do not show up at all. I tried the desktop client and the browser, neither are working.

Also, If you are editing a post and delete a file for update another, you lose the first attach file and you can´t add a new file. For now, the only option is add a new comment and attach the file on that. 

See that you're not attaching more that 50 attachments. That's a limit per post. If you attach more, t might show up in the editing panel but would never show up in the published topic. Hope that helps. :)