
Restrict Users from changing email addresses

jiegomojica 8 years ago updated by Jet Mojica 7 years ago 2

As admin, we regularly deactivate users after projects get completed. When teams get very big, the only way for us to reliably look up users is using the registered email they used when we sent out the invite. Otherwise, all a user needs to do is to change username and email address to stay in the Ryver org.

Restricting users from changing email adds will solve a lot of user management issues.


This is also a huge security issue for us as well. We only allow user with an allocated email address on our domain to register. This way we can control and monitor access. It seems that once a user is in, they can change Username, name and email address, which makes it impossible to identify who they are. If there is a restriction on sign up to an email address on a particular domain the user should NOT be allowed to change that email address.

I completely agree with your points and observations, @RyverMan. Ryver should be able to address this for platform admins easily. 

Jeff, any chance this feature can be prioritized?