Under review

View messages in a forum or team without getting pinned

Josh 9 years ago updated by emily_moran 8 years ago 2

As a administrator of many different private teams that I do not engage with on a daily basis, I want the ability to view the chat messages without having each one pinned to my navigation bar. This could work by sliding in the forum or team if I click on it without pinning it unless I explicitly do so.

Under review

Thanks for this feedback, Josh. Interestingly, the OPEN FORUMS and PRIVATE TEAMS used to work exactly as you describe. Clicking on them would slide them in, and you needed to explicitly choose to pin them.

There were a couple of different problems this caused. First, people were getting confused by the fact that they had previously accessed a Team or Forum, but now it was "gone" (because it wasn't in their nav bar). And second, somebody would end up with a team/forum in two places. One in the pinned tabs area, and another slid in on the list view. They would start a comment or chat message in one place, and then later find their way to the other one and think we lost their in-progress message.

Ultimately, it seemed we were losing more people to confusion than we were helping people by giving them that flexibility.

I'm curious...another request we have that has been up-voted quite a bit is to facilitate "groups" in the nav bar, where you could group together teams and forums, and collapse/expand those groups. Would having that option lessen your need/desire to slide open the teams and forums from the list view?

I love the idea of grouping pins! In addition, I'd really like to be able to manually order my pins. Not sure I've seen that exact request? I may be missing it.