Under review

Highlight unread forums without having to change pin order to most recent

Tom 9 years ago updated by jeff 9 years ago 1

One thing that is sorely lacking in ryver (vs. slack) is the ability to quickly see if you have unread items. When I am in the desktop version of slack it automatically displays "more unreads ^" or "more unreads v" in the navigation pane to the left when there are unread channels or direct mesages above or below the current view in the scroll. Better yet, in their app it automatically displays unread items at the top, followed by all channels in alphabetical order. Please add this best practice to ryver. In ryver the only way I've found to easily see if you have unread items is to change the pin order to most recent . This is great for seeing if you have unread forums but a nightmare when you want to scroll down to find a particular forum (because they are no longer in alphabetical order). If you set the pin order to alphabetical that is great for finding forums but you have to scroll up/down to find unread forums or DMs but without the assist you get in slack that there are unread items above or below. Also, in slack when you hit ctrl+k it shows you all your unreads. Ryver doesn't. This is pretty much core functionality in slack that is missing in ryver. Please add an option to display unread items at the top of the pane (this is crucial for mobile and would be nice to have for desktop) and/or add the "unread above" and "unread below" assist.

Under review

Thank you for this feedback! We have an upcoming effort to completely revisit our navigation bar, and you have covered some of the "ToDos" on that list. I'll add your full suggestion to our project task list for this feature.