Have Images Open in Ryver
Currently, clicking on an image shared by another user forces a jump to a browser window where the image is displayed. It would be great to have these images expand or be viewable in detail within the current Ryver tab or the Ryver app itself, as the current feels is a little clunky, especially when using the desktop app.
Customer support service by UserEcho
Thank you for the requests! I think the first part of this Idea is related to http://feedback.ryver.com/topics/42-have-images-open-in-ryver/, and the second part is related to http://feedback.ryver.com/topics/32-search-of-uploaded-files/, so I'm going to consider this one a duplicate.
Sorry, further to this, an option when clicking on a file just to have it download would be hugely more useful than a browser tab opening as well. I'm guessing this would be part of the same request, but if it's better framed as a separate feature request, let me know and I'll write it up.
Has this been offered... as I tested a link to a youtube URL and the preview for video came up so not understanding why an image would be previewable.
Rogue - Development on this has now been started, but it is not released yet. The feature has to do with what happens when you click on the small preview image. Instead of always opening it in a separate browser tab, we will offer a Magnifying Glass button to open up a large version of the image as an overlay right in Ryver. So if you are in the desktop app, you won't be taken out of the app to the browser.
I look forward to seeing this feature enacted. The inline preview is so small that I always need to view it larger, but it's unexpected to be taken to another application. It breaks the conversation flow having to swap to a browser and then back to Ryver.
As far as I can tell, this feature is now implemented in the latest version and it awesome!
We now have the in-app viewer in place in the Web/Desktop clients, and just finished implementing it for Mobile. The mobile updates should be hitting the app stores very soon.
It's awesome!
would be great on mobile phones - android opens a new window which is not user-friendly